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How to prevent gender violence

Gender violence is one of the most serious problems in today’s society. Today, it requires an urgent, constant and total approach by public agencies, private entities and the population as a whole.

What is gender-based violence?

The concept of gender-based violence refers to any form of violence directed specifically at a person because of their gender or gender identity. Although it predominantly affects women and girls, there are also cases in which it is exercised against men and people of other gender identities.

It is important to note that gender-based violence is not limited to physical violence, but encompasses all types of behaviors and attitudes that perpetuate gender-based inequality and discrimination, such as emotional, sexual or economic abuse, intimidation, harassment, domestic violence, homicide and human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, among others.

In any case, gender-based violence always ends up having devastating consequences for the victims, whether in the form of physical or psychological damage.

Types of gender-based violence

Today, different types of gender-based violence are known, including:

  • Physical: refers to the use of physical force (hitting, kicking, burning, etc.) to cause harm or injury to a person.
  • Emotional or psychological: involves humiliating, denigrating, intimidating, controlling and/or emotionally manipulating someone through words, gestures and behaviors.
  • Sexual: includes any form of aggression or unwanted sexual conduct towards a person.
  • Economic: involves excessive control or limitation of financial resources and even denial of access to employment, preventing the victim from being economically independent.
  • Symbolic: consists of the reproduction of gender stereotypes and cultural norms that perpetuate inequality and discrimination through the dissemination of sexist messages, objectification or ridicule of non-normative gender identities, among other actions.
  • Domestic: is any violent action carried out by a member of a family group against another.
  • Institutional: it is understood as the hindering of the exercise of rights and the obtaining of benefits of a person by officials and employees of an institution.

Causes of gender-based violence

Some experts in research and analysis on the subject have identified that, behind gender violence, there are several causes. Although these interact with each other and may vary according to the cultural and social context, the most common causes of gender-based violence are:

  • Gender inequality.
  • Socialization and cultural norms.
  • Socioeconomic factors.
  • Abuse of power and control.
  • Learned patterns of behavior.

How to prevent gender-based violence

One of the main ways to avoid gender violence is prevention. Below, we would like to suggest some strategies that may well be key to giving visibility and contributing to putting an end to this problem:

  • Challenge cultural norms and entrenched attitudes that perpetuate gender-based violence.
  • Ensure access to education, employment, health, and political and economic participation for victims of gender-based violence.
  • Develop programs and campaigns to foster healthy and respectful relationships.
  • Adopt policies and laws that protect victims, promote gender equality, and punish aggressors.
  • Implement gender-sensitive justice systems, victim support services (shelters, hotlines, psychological counseling and health services, etc.), protection orders, and rehabilitation programs for aggressors.
  • Promote gender equality education in schools and at early ages.
  • Provide specific programs in universities to train future professionals aware of the current social reality and its implications for society as a whole. The Master’s Degree in Gender Violence, one of the European University’s online Masters in Law, is one of them.

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