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How to become a notary?

Necessary requirements to be a notary

Below, we indicate some of the essential requirements to be a notary today.

First of all, you need to have a degree in Law. In addition, a minimum experience in the practice of law or the judiciary is required, which varies depending on the country in which you want to practice.

Once these requirements have been met, it is necessary to submit to a public competition called by the Government of each country to evaluate aspects such as academic and professional curriculum, knowledge of notarial law, ability to resolve conflicts, manage documents and language knowledge, among others.

Main functions of a notary

Once the person is officially constituted as a notary, a series of functions will correspond to him, the main ones are the following:

  • Giving public attestation to legal acts: Notaries have the responsibility of attesting to legal acts that are carried out in their presence. Which means they make sure the parties involved understand the terms of the contract and agree to it.
  • As a professional in the field of Law, you have the obligation to advise those people who require it.
  • They give authenticity or veracity to the creation of a capital company.
  • They help to ensure that documents are given public validity as they provide legal certainty.
  • It is responsible for the management of wills and inheritances.
  • Prepares, processes and corrects errors in public deeds for the acts provided by law.
  • It gives written testimony that the physical person is alive, called faith of life.
  • Authentication of signatures and copies.
  • Save and preserve notarial writings.

Reasons to go to the notary

There are some cases in which it will be necessary to have the practice of a notary. We indicate some cases in which to hire their services.

  • In the preparation of a will.
  • When you want to establish or dissolve a commercial company.
  • Marriage contract.
  • Celebration of weddings or de facto couples.
  • Dissolution of marriages or divorces.
  • Loan or credit operations.
  • Transfer of shares or participations.
  • Purchase and sale operations of movable and immovable property.
  • Attest to life, donations or business transformations.

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