Friday, October 25, 2024

Creating liberating content

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HomelegalHow can radicalization...

How can radicalization be prevented?

Radicalization is not a new phenomenon, it is probably as old as society itself, but in recent decades it has become a major threat affecting security and coexistence. In fact, the report on the situation and trends of terrorism in the European Union revealed that in 2020 there were 57 attempted terrorist attacks in the Eurozone, including those that were perpetrated and those that failed or thwarted.

What is radicalization?

The European Commission refers to the concept of radicalization as a “phenomenon of individuals adopting opinions, views and ideas that could lead to terrorist acts.” In practice, radicalization is a process in which a person’s commitment to an extremist ideology gradually increases, to the point of legitimizing the use of violence and even carrying it out.

In fact, ideology is usually at the base of any radicalization process, which in many cases is linked to a deep religious fundamentalism, although it is not always limited to this. It usually begins when people feel frustrated with their life plans, society or the policies of their governments.

How does the process of radicalization occur?

Anyone can become radicalized, so it is difficult to draw up a psychological profile, but in general terms extremism is more common within marginalized communities, those who suffer some kind of discrimination or have lost their identity traits.

The 3N model developed by social psychologist Arie W. Kruglanski attempts to explain the radicalization process based on three psychosocial factors:

  • Unmet needs related to the search for personal meaning.

The radicalization process usually begins with a triggering event that activates the search for personal meaning, such as situations of humiliation, shame, or dishonor that make a person or group feel insignificant.

When this search for meaning is activated, the person investigates different paths to find the answer, among them extremism, especially if it promises them to become someone “important” within the organization or brings them a sense of belonging.

  • Narrative underpinning the ideology in which the person is immersed.

Radicalization, and especially violent extremism, can only be considered as a viable alternative for constructing personal meaning when a group of people has already assumed it as a legitimate and effective means; that is, when there is a narrative or ideology that articulates and legitimizes it.

The content of that ideology is varied, so that it can be associated with religious, political, ethnic or nationalistic tendencies. They are generally simple and reductionist, seeking scapegoats to blame for one’s own or collective dissatisfaction. However, regardless of its content, such ideology leads the way to personal meaning, often through violence.

  • Network of social influence and group dynamics as coercive media

The role of the group is fundamental in the radicalization process as it confers validity to ideologies, promotes a certain worldview and influences the motivation of its members. Consequently, if violent norms predominate in a group, people will tend to become violent because they will be able to gain the respect and admiration they have lost.

In many extremist groups there are often situations of manipulation and psychological abuse. Coercive methods are used to influence their members and obtain their dependence and submission. They generally make them more vulnerable by promoting isolation from other social groups, controlling the information they consume, developing a systematic work of ideological indoctrination and imposing messianic authority figures.

What can be done to prevent radicalization?

More and more people are becoming radicalized on the Internet, especially through social networks, which become echo chambers in which participants of certain groups reaffirm each other’s extreme beliefs without being challenged. In fact, social networks are not only used to spread extremist views, but also to recruit followers.

For that reason, in order to prevent radicalization, it is imperative to exercise greater control over extremist content in cyberspace, so that the dissemination of hate speech is condemned while at the same time implementing educational programs that promote more democratic values.

If we want to shield our society from radicalization, it is necessary to promote more diverse and inclusive patterns of coexistence that reject extreme ideologies and disseminate alternative narratives with which all its members can identify. Prejudice and discrimination must be countered, and indicators of radicalization in the at-risk population must be detected early in order to carry out preventive interventions to avoid the establishment of extremism.

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