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Strategies for Successfully Challenging the Removal Agreement of the Social Administrator

Within the business sphere, the process of removing a social administrator is a matter of significant relevance, especially due to the legal and financial implications it entails. There are various avenues to successfully challenge such agreements, which can be crucial in safeguarding the interests of those involved and maintaining the stability of the company. In this comprehensive analysis, we will delve into the intricacies of these agreements and explore legal strategies for effectively challenging them.

Unique Aspects of the Removal Agreement

Article 223.1 of the Capital Companies Law (LSC) stipulates that administrators can be removed at any time and without justification, through a resolution of the general meeting. This legal provision allows an administrator to be ousted even if the removal was not foreseen in the agenda of the meeting. This situation can catch the administrator off guard, especially if they are a minority partner who assists in reaching the quorum for the meeting, only to discover during the meeting that their removal is being proposed.

The removal of administrators and the appointment of new ones can be carried out in the same meeting, without the latter needing to be included in the agenda. However, the appointment may be unfeasible if a statutorily reinforced quorum is required and not achieved during the meeting. This complex legal dynamic can lead to contentious situations that require a detailed analysis to determine the viability of challenging the removal agreement.

Legal Arguments for Challenging the Removal Agreement

The prevailing doctrine argues that Article 223.1 of the LSC protects the social interest by allowing the free revocability of administrators, making it difficult to sustain challenges to these agreements. However, there are legal arguments that can successfully support the challenge of such decisions.

Firstly, it can be argued that the removal violates a comprehensive parasocial pact regarding the composition of the management body, rendering it contrary to social interest according to Article 204.1 of the LSC. This interpretation, supported by jurisprudence, considers that the breach of a parasocial pact can be equated with a violation of social interest, especially if the agreement benefits infringing shareholders at the expense of compliant ones.

Secondly, the agreement can be challenged for violating the law, specifically by acting contrary to good faith, constituting an abuse of rights or an antisocial exercise thereof. The malicious concealment of the removal in the meeting’s convocation and the fictitious celebration of the same can be considered acts contrary to good faith, according to Article 7.1 of the Civil Code.

Analysis of a Recent Case

A recent case resolved by the Mercantile Court of Oviedo illustrates the complexities and potential legal strategies for successfully challenging a removal agreement of social administrators. In this case, a social administrator, who was also a plaintiff, was removed contrary to the provisions of a comprehensive parasocial pact regarding the composition of the board of directors.

The judgment of the Mercantile Court of Oviedo upheld the challenge, declaring the nullity of the removal and appointment agreements of administrators. It was argued that the removal contravened the parasocial pact and constituted an act contrary to good faith, thereby supporting the challenge on legal grounds.


In conclusion, successfully challenging a removal agreement of social administrators can be a complex but feasible process, especially when supported by strong legal arguments backed by law and jurisprudence. It is essential to conduct a thorough analysis of the case’s circumstances and utilize available legal avenues to protect the interests of those affected and ensure the company’s stability.

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